How to Balance Time with God while Being A New Mom

To all the new mommies out there who are working & trying to find time to grow closer to God, This one is for you! 🫶🏼

First off, you are doing so incredible and your kiddo is lucky to have you as a mommy!❤️

1. Save time finding a verse:
➡️Use a Study plan: a daily easy to follow guide
➡️Topical indexes (verses by yopic) to find a verse on your mood or topic (I like to use these and keep them in my bible)
➡️Or study a chapter like John to begin :)

2. Make your bible as easy to access as possible!
➡️If you have multiple bibles disperse them around places you visit often or put in top place if just one :) (kitchen, bathroom)
➡️Download a Bible app on your phone for ease of access
✨ the easier something is to achieve the more likely we are to actually do it...
✨If you like to underline or take notes, make sure you have a pen and paper/ note app on your phone handy too!

3. Utilize your breaks
➡️When baby sleeps or nurses
➡️When you're in the shower or driving somewhere-- listen to an audio bible or podcast
➡️Bathroom breaks
➡️Waiting for you food to heat up
➡️Waiting in line
➡️Right before bed
➡️Waking up 5 min earlier
✨Use these times to fit in a quick reading session. Little bursts of God's word throughout the day are better than nothing! ✨Remember Jesus fed 5,000 with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish-- He can do A LOT with a little ❤️

4. Find a routine that works for you!
Example 5 min bible study routine:
➡️Prayer 30 sec
➡️Scripture lookup 30 sec
➡️Read/ underline 3 min
➡️Reflect/apply to your life 1 min

✨If you find you want to note something about the verse but don't have a journal handy:

Prefer digital note taking➡️ use a note in your phone to refer to later😁
Prefer physical writing➡️ keep a folded study sheet or paper in your bible with a pen

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